Very good article. I have a term for the "truths" obtained by ultra-speciaized experts: "anti-knowledge". Steve Patterson has many examples in his "Dark Age" essay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28VanG_0tyA - I think the meme in your post says it all!

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Love it.

The greatest capital of Humanity are we...

Not Money.

Not Religion.

Not Government.

We Humans are the greatest Capital that is always will and ever was.




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And note that the renegade doctors have one thing in common. They admit that they still don't know what covid really is and does, and they still don't know what long covid is and does. They are exploring and experimenting, but anyone who tells you they have the answers is kidding themselves and you.


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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Liked by Dollyboy

I am now inclined to always pay closer attention to unpaid, persecuted, skeptical experts than paid government or corporate experts supporting a government/corporate narrative. Government/corporate experts have lost too much credibility to ever be trusted without rigorous scrutiny.

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