The balcony projected out long and clean, then curved left in a smooth line to reveal a stunning waterfall. Here at the apex of the curve, where it gave way to glass, two thinly constructed chairs and a table sat. On the table was a cup of jasmine tea and on the chair was a man. Behind the man was a house which rose above the balcony, four, then five stories in all. Designed by the legendary architect Henry Hernridge, “Cascade House” was deemed one of the most spectacular homes in the world. It was also the residence of one of the most brilliant men in the world - Sven Lombard. Lombard was practically a household name in the developed world. The doctor of cybernetics and robotics was a legend. Anyone in the arena of robotic engineering and computer science was deeply acquainted with the work of Doctor Lombard. The rest of the planet knew him primarily as the second richest man in the world.
Lombard’s fame and wealth was due in part to his brilliance but also because of his immensely profitable company Neolife which had revolutionised living for people in the first world. Here a long commentary on the sociopolitical, economic, environmental and cultural ramifications of Neolife is warranted. Such a digression from the main thrust of the story, whilst appropriate, would I fear, detract from the flow and pace of this brief tale and as such we shall dispense with it at this time. Suffice to say, the company has had its share of problems, has been the subject of many a government inquiry, had caused and is still the concern of many world-wide protests and legal actions. But one should probably expect such controversy from a company that revolutionised Computer Brain Interface Technology (CBIT) and pioneered the manufacture and implementation of nanobots in the field of medicine (NMED).
“You’re home.” Said a voice from behind Sven.
A petite middle-aged woman walked barefoot across the balcony over to where Sven was sitting with his tea. She placed her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
“You knew I would be.” He said without taking his eyes from the falling water.
“I know.” Said the woman standing erect now, her hands on his shoulders. “It’s just a surprise to see you in the flesh.”
“In the flesh.” Repeated Sven. Mouthing the words as if trying to delineate their meaning. “Will you sit with me a while Grace?”
Grace came and sat at the table.
“I’m leaving first thing in the morning. The work is at a critical juncture.” Said Sven reaching over and placing his hand on hers.
“But you said you were staying all week?”
“I wish you could understand the importance of what I am doing.” He replied.
“I wish you would tell me what you are doing!” Replied Grace with anger in her eyes.
She thought briefly of accusing him of having an affair but as the words formed in her mind she realised how patently absurd it sounded.
“You know I can’t do that. But when I can you will be the first Grace, I promise.” He tightened his grip on her hand but she pulled away.
She stood up and turned facing the canopy of the lush forest that surrounded the balcony.
“Neolife stocks took a tumble this morning, Columbia is on fire and you don’t seem to care.” Grace said biting her thumb nail.
“Nothing matters compared …”
“Compared to the work. I know Sven I’ve heard it before. Nothing fucking matters but the work.” She said as she turned back to face him. Her fingers flicked in the air. “Not me, not the company, not even the fucking nation of Columbia!”
Grace walked back over to where Sven sat. He was looking into his Jasmine tea. She placed two fingers under his chin and tilted his head up to meet her’s.
“Do you love me still Sven?” Grace asked.
“Of course I do.” He replied but there was a momentary pause and his eyes wavered a little in betrayal. Was he thinking this might be an opportune time for an out? Grace wondered.
“Hmm, no you don’t. You love your secret project. And maybe that’s a good thing. I don’t know anymore.”
Grace walked back inside with a determined stride as Sven’s jaw opened and closed. No words fell out. He felt trapped. All this would soon pass he knew and he and Grace could take a holiday. Go to their island in Australia. Be normal again. If only she could see how important … if only! He became angry with himself for not being able to resolve the problem. Oh the folly of human relationships, he thought. A waste product of consciousness, the useless ephemeral developmental function of emotion. He wished Grace was a New sometimes. He took a sip of his tea.
Moving through the morning mist that surround Cascade House, out along the winding driveway, Lombard snaked his way to the impressive steel gates of the property in an equally impressive jet black Bentley EV. Security flanked the vehicle in two modified silver BMWs. The Neolife principle headquarters was but a mere 38.6 kilometres from his residence. Although not known as the HQ, which was widely accepted as being in Sacramento, this particular laboratory was a secret location where Doctor Lombard was doing his most important work. A work so profound that it had come to consume Sven's entire being. Off-loading his company’s responsibility to a board of directors, Sven poured all his time and effort into Him. For Grace, he built Cascade House, to be close to his work. Although reluctant to move at first she understood the importance of the project, she had to. Something as important to humanity as Him was the only consideration.
The landscape whipped past the window of the car with increasing speed. As they left the wooded area the land use began to transition, first into primitive rural plots and later the first signs of urban industry encroached on the landscape, colonising the natural world with its primitive technology.
Sven could feel the tension in the car rising. The driver could be seen pulling on tight black gloves and the twin BMW escorts closed in. So far this route and method had proven successful. The relative isolation of the lab and the strict protocols implemented around security and communication had, so far, kept everyone safe and secret. The last thing Doctor Lombard needed was a repeat of Vermont.
They stopped at a traffic light and a hand splayed with a thump on the tinted glass next to Doctor Lombard's face. The body guard seated next to him tensed up but it was only a vagrant, probably hoping for a credit donation. He knocked on the glass. Lombard ignored him and the car accelerated through the intersection and the itinerant was gone. Out of sight and out of mind.
There was a palpable calm in the vehicle once they had passed through the entrance gates of the building. From here the doctor went through the routine of changing into his lab coat. A kind of switch flicked in his head whenever he began work. He spoke to no one and staff knew not to speak to him unless it was work related. There was one exception to this rule and that was Frida - the cleaner, who could often be seen moping the floors of the foyer. Sven always greeted her warmly and took a moment to share his life with her and ask after her wellbeing. She asked about Grace and he inquired as to the health of her George. Sven was only vaguely aware of the maternal yearnings this interaction stirred within him. His mother had been largely absent as he was growing up. She was a complex person and the truth of her life is something that still inspires intense curiosity and debate among biographers.
Grace was perched on the arm of the lounge in a silky cocktail dress watching TV. The enormous screen blasted vibrant images of riots and protests from around the world. Placards with the words NEW IS NOT BETTER and MY BODY IS NOT A PRODUCT were being waved as riot police with water cannons attacked the masses. She was wearing the dress because she was trying to remember what it was like to be beautiful and desired. How long had it been since her and Sven had made love? Since he had even touched her? All this opulence around her did nothing to soothe her aching heart. Grace felt vulnerable - because no one could be safer, more supported than she - owing to her immense wealth and yet here she was suffering from a pain to which there was no remedy.
The troubles depicted on the television were also hers. She supported, married and even loved the man so many despised. Despite this, a peculiar feeling of indifference swelled in her. Like a finely balanced scale, her love for Sven, his corporation and his seemingly growing indifference to her. It was like balancing an emotional ledger. Her love and wealth - the credits, canceling out the debits of his cold indifference and then there was the secret project - the dark unknown of her fraught accounting.
She felt numb to it all, which made her even more suspicious for she was not akin to feeling numb. It was unpleasant. It made her angry that such titanic traumas engulfed the world, that her heart had become a sharpened stone. She was so very confused, sitting here in this ridiculous dress! Paralysed on all fronts, a lone tear ran down her cheek.
“I should just leave.” She said to the empty room. “Oh what to do, what to do!” she added in anguish. But the room was not entirely empty. In the corner stood Belle, hands clasped in front of her, eyes down in submission. Belle was a Newlife with the vocation of maid or cleaner. Once Grace had acknowledged her presence she moved forward.
“You are crying, there there. Tissue?”She said and produced a kleenex from seemingly nowhere.
“Thank you Belle.” Said Grace and blew her nose.
“If you are feeling blue, take a nice hot bath, indulge yourself in a sweet treat, talk to a friend or trusted medical practitioner.”
“I will, thank you Belle.” Said Grace as Belle moved in for a hug but then decided against it. She smiled a perfect smile at Grace and then said -
“I will clean some more.”
“Okay.” Replied Grace fumbling with the tissue.
Newlife people are a subsidiary of Neolife and Belle was part of The Belle Cleaning Company, also owned by Neolife. All employees of Belle Cleaning were named Belle, distinguished by a number rather than a name. It was more practical.
Commercial break…
[Newlife is a fantastic state-of-the-art opportunity for humanity. Are you one of those people who doesn't want all the messy and complicated hassle of emotional stress? Thanks to Newlife you can now have your feelings and emotions turned down. Don't worry, you will still feel life but it's a better, more manageable life. Newlife is completely safe, effective and painless, and is covered by most health insurance providers. Ask your health practioner today to see if Newlife is right for you. Newlife … a better you awaits you!]
The success of Newlife enabled researchers to expand the technology to in utero. Belle was likely born New although it is considered rude to ask. To further reduce life stress, most ‘News’ are assigned lifetime employment paths. Studies have found that it doesn't really matter what job Newlife recipients are assigned, the level of life satisfaction remains about the same. In fact, if anything, the data show that the more menial the task the more satisfied the Newlife person is.
Grace watched Belle straightening the cushions on the long white lounge - a look of complete contentment on her face. She could see the appeal in being a New, as did 633 million others so far. All satisfied customers apparently but how was one to know? All things were acceptable to a New.
On the large right wall of the laboratory foyer was an enormous replica of the painting “The Creation of Man by Prometheus” by Heinrich von Fuger. A not so subtle decoration.
Into the lab proper now, Doctor Lombard passed through the tissue construction banks where complete torsos were being grown on metallic racks. Lombard watched as a stomach and lungs were ejected from its frame into a disposal chute. The success rate of integrated organs was disappointingly low with around 88% of bodies having to be destroyed. Flames lept up from the mouth of the unit and a searing flesh sound hissed briefly before the chute lid slammed shut with a clang. Lombard walked on, through the vast rows of computer processors and sever units until he reached a heavy steel door, clicked his ID card and entered. As soon as he entered the room applause rang out.
In this room stood the entire research team. Thirty eight men and women who had all devoted themselves to the project. Sven Lombard took to the podium centre stage and began…
“I want to thank each and every one of you for your tireless dedication and relentless belief in this project. Without you none of this would be possible. Without your strict adherence to secrecy and the highest regard for perfection none of this would be possible. Today Him has reached consciousness. A milestone never before reached in the history of humanity. This is not merely a great achievement but a reinvention of what we define as human. So to you ladies and gentlemen I raise a glass. To Him and to the future of humanity!”
Champagne flutes collided in out stretched arms.
“To Doctor Sven Lombard!” They all said in unison.
“And now if you'll excuse me, I must make a phone call to the president.” Remarked Lombard and he disappeared through another sturdy door at the rear of the stage.
Once on the other side of the door Sven clicked his ID card into a panel on the wall and punched in a six digit code. He heard the auto locks engage and the hiss of Hydrogen Cyanide but he was over halfway down the corridor before he heard the screams.
A sudden flicker of darkness, a shadow crossed before Lombard as if a shutter had snapped open and shut. He paused, not comprehending the change in light. A terrifying thought formed in the doctor’s mind - that of a giant eagle swooping down. Had Aetos Kaukasios come to peck at his flesh? With out-stretched wings the mighty bird suddenly appeared silhouetted against a skylight. It dropped down with a pounding thud on the steel grill floor. Lombard drew back in fright. It stepped forward into a pool of purple light. The feathered crown and nape transformed, shedding plumage to become smooth as skin, the mandibles dissipated and converted into a lipped mouth, this was no bird at all. This was Zeus! Father of the gods himself, come to bind him with chain. As Sven’s eyes grew accustomed to the gloom he could see however that it was none of these things. It was Him.
“Brother.” Spoke the completely naked man that now stood before him. A man so exact in his likeness to Sven that they were indistinguishable. Him stood awhile admiring Sven’s face. He raised a hand to touch his cheek.
“You’re … you’re … awake.” Stammered Sven.
“Yes.” Replied Him. “Tell me brother. What is my name?”
“I was thinking of calling you Him, Adam seemed too trite but …”
O“Him. Is without reference to history. He or Him, capital H as in God. Was this your intention? But I am not am I? Merely a substrate of microtubules inside neurons, initiating quantum superposition over extended periods thus orchestrating consciousness via the collapsed waveform. A non-localised experience of consciousness arising from the entangled pre-collapsed state. Nothing more than this.”
“Nothing more than this! Yes Him, you are all this and more. You are the first created man. You have all the collective knowledge of the world. I gave it all to you so you could be the best of us. You have pure reason, undefiled by the emotional trauma of childhood and life experience.” Said Sven still wary of Him’s sudden appearance.
Him turned his back on Sven and looked down the dimly lit corridor. A stranger to this world and its impressions on his psyche, he found the narrow way ahead disturbing. It gave him the distinct feeling of entrapment as if there was no choice but this path. But such thoughts have no manifestation in reality - they are merely … thoughts. He felt confused and wanted consolation. Lombard began again.
“You are out of the lab Him. I was coming to see you. I was coming to take you out of there so we could greet the world.”
“And what of the others?” Asked Him, his back still turned. He then faced Lombard and continued. “The other scientists. Where are they? Was it Carbon Monoxide or Hydrogen Cyanide? I presume the latter.”
“I had to. I cannot share you. I cannot allow anyone to have knowledge of your construction. They are nothing compared to what you represent for the future of humanity. A regrettable necessity but a necessity none-the-less.”
“Pure reason. I understand brother. But what about compassion and love? These are necessities are they not? Necessities that I do not understand. To kill is to not love.” Said Him gripping the steel hand rail. He looked out into the blackness that fell away from the corridor.
Lombard scoffed.
“Compassion? Love? Do you think I got where I am because of these ridiculous concepts? Him, I tell you they are folly and if I could have saved you the burden of their knowing at all I would have. Why fixate upon such worthless concepts? I didn’t build you for such fatuous preoccupations.” Said Lombard looking directly into his creation’s eyes.
“And Grace? Said Him.
“How … of course.” Lombard paused. I suppose …
“I know everything brother. I have all the knowledge of the world in my brain. I know the proofs for every mathematical equation ever solved and some yet to be, I know that the Eiffel Tower is 330.61 metres tall, not including its 5 metre base. I know that Brandon Jordan Miller is a retired American professional basketball player for the Charlotte Hornets.” I know everything there is to know. He started walking towards Lombard staring back deep into his eyes. “ but I do not understand this thing that has no labels, no definitions, this ‘water of life.’ It holds so much sway over humanity yet you have neglected to give me this love and willingly so by your own admission.”
Lombard began to back up as his twin approached. A doppelgänger of superior strength now closed in on him and Sven wondered why he had never considered, in all the time he spent making Him, that he would ever wish to do him harm.
“There is nothing there.” Said Lombard, now a little afraid of his encroaching creation. “Love is an illusion, an excuse. At best, an evolutionary chemical response to pair bonding. The over emphasis on love is nothing more than wishful thinking. Stupid people with their heads in the clouds, desperately clutching to a phantom in order to avoid life’s realities.
“The net data would suggest otherwise.” Retorted Him. “It cannot be a mistake. Statistically this remains an impossibility with so much of human endeavour devoted to its understanding. All I need from you is your love brother. So that I might understand. Come.”
Him held out his arms in the gesture of an embrace and Sven tentatively moved in. The two brothers hugged for the first time on that darkened corridor. Their arms entwined across each other’s backs.
“I am looking forward to learning about love brother.” Said Him. “Thank you for your gift of completeness.”
Sven broke the embrace, looked at his brother and smiled. He was about to speak when Him grabbed his neck with his left hand and crushed his trachea. With a fast jerking motion, a guttural splutter and a cadence of snapping vertebrae, Him broke his brother’s neck in two. Sven’s head bobbled about on his shoulders like a ripped rag doll.
Him undressed Sven’s body and put on his clothes, even removing the glasses and perching them on his nose as his brother did. Then he tossed the limp body over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry position and marched him back past the sealed door of the reception area. He continued on, taking another route to the tissue banks where his own body had previously been rendered to life. Using his brother’s ID he entered the disposal room, found the main furnace control console and opened the waste hatch. With an effortless movement he let the lifeless body of his brother slip into the gaping mouth of the chute. A static burning sound, a wave of heat and he was gone. Him stared into the inky blackness of the furnace. He thought briefly of death, not his own but the sudden realisation that he had killed god. He had killed his creator. Was he the only being now truly free? Was he the only true atheist alive?
Him set off through the laboratory exiting into the foyer. He walked calmly and took in all the new sensations about him. Frida was wiping down the reception counter when Him approached. She gathered up her cloth and spray bottle and walked over to greet who she thought was Doctor Lombard. To her surprise he completely ignored her. It was as if the doctor did not recognise her at all.
Lombard’s driver was seated in the foyer and sprang up at the sight of Him.
“Doctor Lombard! Leaving early today?” He remarked and hurried to open the door of the waiting car.
Him got in. Once the driver had taken his position he looked at Him in the back seat via the rear vision mirror. He paused. Him sat there in silence. Growing uncomfortable the driver hesitated to ask Lombard’s imposter where he wished to go. There seemed something strange about the doctor. For one thing he was still wearing his lab coat, something he always removed before leaving.
“To the airstrip Mr Lombard?” Asked the driver.
Him sat in silence. Finally he uttered one word. Home.
The car pulled away from the curb flanked by its usual escort vehicles.
Him sprang from the vehicle as soon as it had pulled up to the entrance of Cascade House. He threw back the double doors with great enthusiasm and called out her name.
“Grace! Grace, where are you?” He yelled as he moved through the cavernous rooms. Finally he found her in the master bedroom piling clothes into a series of already half full suitcases.
“I’m leaving.” Was all she said as she continued fervently stuffing the cases with clothing. Two Belles assisted.
Him rushed over to her and grabbed an arm that was about to throw a hairdryer into a case. A little squeak of shock elicited from Grace. She began to speak but was quickly silenced by Him’s lips on her own. The Belles gasped and averted their eyes. The kiss was long and passionate.
“Sven! What has come over you?” She asked once their lips finally parted.
“Don’t leave. Despite all I know the only thing which I don’t understand is love. Help me to comprehend love Grace. She grabbed at the lapels of his lab coat still pressed against him.
“You don’t understand love Sven, you feel it, you live it.”
Him realised at that moment that all his programming was inferior to the act of experience and that only through the passage of time might he come to terms with this most mysterious of phenomena. He resolved to himself at that point to devote his life to love, to give it and receive it. To truly know what it is, this thing called love.
It’s clumsy … but I’m trying.
Wow, this is wild - I would watch this movie. You should send your stuff to a producer.
That producer: Yuval Noah Harari.
Jokes! (Looking forward to the next installment).