The dragon in the drawing room is the worship of Satan among elite, Freemason/ occult groups. Any discussion of our state of affairs that doesn’t address THIS aspect of the ruling class has missed the pentagram altogether and may as well be jawboning over spirit-cooking recipes.

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Beautifully written and thought-provoking, as always.

Always God (singular), and nowhere and never Gods (plural). Yes I know: we are still mired in a monotheistic mind quagmire.

Personally, I don't have any need for the god nor the gods, neither in the singular nor the plural, but to my mind and imagination at least, there's more than something to be said about the grandeur of the Olympian and the Asgardian gods and their triumphs. I suspect that European cultures, despite their greatness in days past (and, who knows? maybe also in the future again) have nonetheless been all the shabbier than they could have been had they resisted and repaired the depredation and desecration by noxious Judaic monotheism.

Damn you, Constantine! Damn him and his name. But for his murderous barbarity and his egotism, Rome may have remained true to its spirit.

It is perhaps a small revenge that Catholicism is still the greatest Christian denomination, by number of adherents as well as in terms of its hoard of gold, and although it is almost, but not quite Judaism itself, in defiance of its Jewish roots, Catholicism has slipped-in a little pagan idolatry in the form of the Trinity, perhaps to keep real Jews away from it, and a little polytheism as well by the apotheosis of the Madonna and the entire panoply of saints. Moreover, Christianity does not keep kosher, Christians do not circumcise their boys (thanks be to Odin!), and they do not keep the Sabbath. By their eating of flesh and drinking of blood (as written in John 6:54 that when the Jesus had uttered these words: "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood," etc.,) which is anathema to Judaism because it is contrary to the sixth Noahide Law: Do not eat flesh torn from a living animal (presumably this includes human animals as well). in believing in the multiplicity of God in the Trinity, and worshipping a God as a man in the Jesus, all of these being ideas that are heretical to Judaism, so perhaps the natural European spirit is indomitable and finds a way to shine through regardless.

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A great many of us dig Jesus ... his words don't really resemble Christianity in its modern form. Jesus was a hippy kinda dude ... it's a cliche but true - if Jesus rocked up today to a Christian church they'd probably throw him out.

Yeah the old gods were mighty - fickle, brutal and flawed. There's a lot to like!

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I have a strong connection with the idea of God but I would recommend for those not inclined towards the concept of non-duality a read of Thoreau’s book Walden.

The economy of time will take away the desire for money and things if you look into it.

For the deep state I offer only my humble artistry


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> The abandonment of the concept of a higher power has had deleterious repercussions for society.

Yes. Interchangeable with the abandonment of a higher sense of expression, a refinement of the products made for our senses to excitate & react to.

> It is no surprise then that men and women of vision are almost nowhere to be found. When no one can say with any certainty what is good, all ideals become equal in value.

You are to be found here and I'm certainly blessed to be in your audience.

> Of course the most insidious and devious trick of it all is that populations are not only not resisting these changes but are actually cheering on their implementation.

Nope. That's a projection. I don't know of any population anywhere cheering on globalism's implementation. I don't even think such a question is measurable to a quantified amount: it's not a question on the ABS census? (Census that I'm never completing again)

> We have been duped by this bait and switch in definitions, dazzled by a so-called “expert class” who are nothing more than a group of deceitful, rich charlatans, bristling with the overconfidence of their extraordinary vision for the future.

Nothing more than a group of the sum of the majority's mastered weaknesses. Overconfidence propels them because projection of it onto its chattel is essential for continuing an *expectation* of success, and subsequently maintaining an acceptance of the status-quo by the majority. A status-quo which barely wavers between servitude or enslavement.

Extraordinary visions for the future are not ours to envision. The expert class coveted the occulted wisdom of humankind's nature over several millenia, and they guard it quite closely.

We can assume that intimate knowledge of the nature of humanity not only propels *expectations* of their Divine Right to Rule but sanctifies it.

You allude to the hierarchy and initiation into it for a select few lucky enough to feel distinguished from us lowlier servitors. That is one way many others tried to crush me, clobber me, castigate and enfeeble me.

Yet I try to revolt regardless, because the Expert Class and those many others aspiring to join them, did not castrate me.

Your article was beautiful and conjured up a lot of responses from me. For now, I sign off happy to disagree with *expectations* and await whatever is great in this coming day.


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"I don't know of any population anywhere cheering on globalism's implementation."

I do. I see it everywhere, all the time. Smartphones and tattoos are only trivial signs of it, but they are the superficial manifestations of sinister and profoundly consequential dark forces operating beneath. Girls walking around, seemingly in their most private underwear, revelling in the display of their wares, but completely oblivious to the degradation of their own dignity, and therefore their very humanity. (I catch myself recoiling in a kind of disgust - at myself as much as at them, because I reflexively see in those parading, almost naked bodies something that encourages my sexual impulse and yet are somewhat less than human - even though they happen to be youthful, hard-bodied and buxom, and swishing a ponytail). But they are far outnumbered by the hordes that have either forgotten, or they never knew beauty, neither in themselves nor in the ideal. Pink and green haired, absurdly pierced, obese and grotesquely misshapen, the outer expression of their inner pathologies, their intemperance, their wobbling skins a patchwork of tangled ink tracery. Consumption, consumption, lifestyle and vanity. Convenience and glamour. Sacrifice and physical hardship - of the kind that strengthens the limbs and ennobles the spirit - begone! The "Expert Class" and their bosses have found that weaponised self-interest is a far more effective tool for controlling the masses than Soviet-style terror ever was, and the result is the utterly crap and irredeemable, but tractable society we have. We are at war, but The Expert Class and their bosses have far removed themselves from our lines of sight, as they peer down on us from their soaring Gulfstreams from 10,000 feet in supercilious detachment, and instead they have pitted us against an overwhelming outnumbering of our own selves. Before you and I are able to get to them, we need to cut through all these NPCs first, and I only have my resolve a single pair of bare hands.

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Yes perhaps. I don’t assume the population at large is cheering on globalisation with any consciousness. I think they just see the words and respond in the positive all the while the nefarious “bait and switch” is happening. Eg. Diversity is our Strength and then suddenly you’re up to your eyeballs in foreigners, crime and social strife. This is a common MO - usher in change under the guise of something good … there’s countless examples, especially in the globomedico industry. The latest example being Ozempic. A weight loss drug that actually works! But … now you’re a customer for life and … umm it will cause organ damage.

We must do what we can to resist it. The way I see it is that avoiding the trappings of modern society IS my job. I’m trying to find a way through that aligns as closely as possible to my core values - I don’t think you can fight such a beast. They have the law, the cops, the army, the pretty much everything on their side. Protest is pointless. But the leviathan requires your labour and participation. If a sizeable number of us just stopped doing that it would begin to fall apart. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t? We do what we each can.

I went to dinner last night with a group and it’s clear most are 100% onboard with the machine - attending their doctor appointments, going to their respective “jobs.” There’s no telling them and I wouldn’t have the temerity to do such a thing. To them, and I quote my mother here - “that’s just the way it is.” There simply is no other way, which is intellectually lazy and cowardly. But like a fish to water - they don’t even see it. It doesn’t even occur to them that something is amiss. That’s really what I mean by “cheering it on”. They’re doing unwittingly. But I’m not bitter. Like Edward Blake said “Bitter? Me? Nahhh I think it’s hilarious.” If you’re bitter they’ve won. Not me … I’m loving this ride! Ride on.

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You've thought about this deeply and seriously. I gotta respect that because I'm too estranged from groups to understand the influence such groups exert over my eventualities.

During early 2022 it was DaddyDomme McGowan's AssFuck and Lockdown rape peak. I recall co-hosting my usual Clown World weekly podcast and taking the time to explain in great detail what I was going through.

I stared out over the balcony at a Sparkling Swan River. An idyllic day.

"To some degree I have to accept that the quality of my life here in this place, is going to be directly affected by the society whose contract I broke. How much I suffer, how bad things get for me is up to the social majority's collective threshold for suffering."

I grimaced at the trembling in my own voice. Felt like what I just uttered to a mainly American audience was unholy.

The Perth sun shone like a baleful threat over me. Dissociated and waited for illusions to soothe me. It was a nice day. It is a nice day.

illusion got totally broken when DaddyDomme flew a Charter flight above the Swan River, a Public health communication banner trailing behind it. Flapping at me "WeRa a Masqk, We're all in Th1s t0grther" at me in particular coz no one else gave a fuck.

I'm not a wild card to be played with a contingency on my success bound to any greater group. My structural core is irrevocably different since then. On the smallest atomic level, each tiny particle of me is not as it once was.

I don't know what that means, I don't need to know either. Infact it's preferable elements arisen since 2020 are structurally embedded in me as unknown potential. Unknown strength. Unknown whatever. It's keener to skid along the knifes edge of don't/know like this. Awareness is keener.

Keep making music I loved your song in this article.

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You remind me of the Man Who Wanted to Be Left Alone…

“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

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Yes ... I'd probably agree with that. I try not to pass judgement on others and only wish to be extended the same courtesy. I don't have "answers" - and the ones I do have I keep to myself. It's not my place to tell others how to live and if you ain't hurting me - you do what thou wilt.

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Dollyboy - "beauty, love and happiness" - gifts from God

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Sep 14Liked by Dollyboy

What I once counted as gain, I now count as loss.-Paul the Apostle, who used to hate Christians.

No-one gets to The Father except through me.

The one who wants to be first will be last.

It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven.

Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, I will be there also.

Some very loose quotes from the New Testament. Very loose. So no-one bash me-this is off the top of my head. The loose quotes are in the Gospels, said to be spoken by Jesus.

The Church has sold out, I can’t find a Church of Christ near me with old fashioned values. So, we have Bible Study at home.

4 years ago, I never even thought I’d own a Bible. Now I’m trying to quote from it!

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Sep 14Liked by Dollyboy

G'day me dollyboy . Tis true, me lad ..... and a bit sad . Sometimes I get mad , thinking of what

we once had . Dreams , ice creams ( naturally flavored , of course) , clean streams , and children that beam with freedom .

Thou art preaching to the choir , and the choir is shrinking like muscles in me arms. Getting late in the day for this resistor of change . Only because, this change sucks .

Oh well, not long before they take me to the edge of the cliff , where I might inquire " did you bring me here to die ?" and have a lovely 200 kilo lass inform me " oh no , they brought you here yesterdie ! " gotta sneeze . god bless y'all

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Yesterdie! Haha

That 200kilo ham planet should be forced onto a YesterDiet!

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Funny! I hope you’re not really in the infirmary?

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Sep 14Liked by Dollyboy

Nah , going strong ( except the urine flow ) ....oopsss TMI

remembering the good ole days........... when i could hit the wall at 2 meters

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