Outstanding essay. Can't believe I've only just come across this - only after ExcessDeathsAU's recommendation.

I've tight-arse subscribed because I'm really poor (by the state's definition) from not having earned income in order not to incur an income tax liability to the fucking state since November 2020. I hope you won't think too poorly of me.

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Is the problem The State? First Causes suggest that "idyllic" pastoral societies succumb to organisation. Organising BY HUMANS. Every time 🤗. Have you read Peter Turcher? Ex Russian Biologist turned U.S Historian, a fascinating journey. His work on civilisational cycles is pretty damned thought provoking!

It's the Bell Curve, Stoopid! (Well, in MY nutshell,). Or The Elite$ versus the Anti-Elites, with the prize being to direct the Waking Kraken - to bestir le Booboeoise, the masses, into defining Action. Venn diagrams, mate 👌

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Jan 23Liked by Dollyboy

Subscribed because ExcessDeathsAU said you are also in Perth.

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Your Last paragraph made me realise my job is so good.

I get to go Bush for weeks at a time.

Out here, your life depends on sanity, judgement and forward thinking. Fuckery gets you killed.

the bonus, is the serenity. How good is it?

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Well put. I think however, regarding primitive cultures, that it is a mistake to fall for the "Noble Savage" myth since they could be equally brutal in their own way.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Dollyboy


And you will never, ever hear your 'freedom experts' or 'thought leaders' saying any of this because they love the state. They lick the boot of the state.

Because they want to BE the state.

Australians truly are the worst sort, expecting the government to 'protect them' holy shit.

Edit: your description of your landlady and breakfast TV was so good I spit tea all over my screen. Thank you.

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