The lab leak thing is being pushed now to create fear, but I don't think it's sticking....


What kind of engineered thing is the same as the flu? 😂


The COVID thing was done so iron fisted that it exposed people to how crooked politicians and big pharma are.

In other words, the MASK OF SANITY slipped off.

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Woo Hoo! Yes, let's celebrate a bit. But also let's stay on guard for the insane "monkey pox" and "bird flu" scares they are pushing! These monsters are far from done...

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Jun 13Liked by Dollyboy

I liked the track, by the way. Reminds me of Bauhaus.

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Cheers! I was going for a quirkiness - I had Frank Black in mind at the time.

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Jun 13Liked by Dollyboy

Ah, the Pixies, you're taking me back in time!

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Jun 13Liked by Dollyboy

I'd like to second Antipodes comments - the situation was a little more complex than the brave rebels versus sig heiling sheep.

Our family all recognised Covid as the largest scale social engineering project in history. More than a decade earlier, in fact, our discussions of possible future trajectories for society included the idea that plague would be a very cost effective way of herding humans en masse.

So, we were not surprised when it happened. I did not get vaxxed, and we certainly didn't let it anywhere near the kids. But unfortunately, the missus, even though she was sceptical, did get it, because she would have had to quit her job. That's not such an easy thing to decide to do when you've got kids, especially when the next employer will likely have the same policy.

Not everyone blindly followed authority. On the contrary, I'd say the majority of working class people required some level of coercion, and resented the jab when they did get it.

The reason I bring this up is that 2020 will not be the last time the Predatory Class will try this kind of shit. We need to prepare. We need to be talking people around to realise what just happened to us, so that next time the resistance will be that much stronger. We mustn't squander the resentment of those who were forced against their will. If we constantly tell them what idiots they were, we'll push them in the opposite direction. If we consider ourselves wiser than the average punter, we can show it by refusing to treat others the way we were treated.

Resist the temptation to gloat - recruit instead.

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Yeah good stuff. I do hope the masses catch on. I realised a while back that influencing people is very hard and that our best hope is to lead by example. My Nazi analogy was too simple, I grant thee this - but no one complies their way out of tyranny. I only hope more come to understand this.

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Jun 13Liked by Dollyboy

Agreed re: leading by example.

As corporatism grinds on, more and more people will fall out the bottom of the System, creating a larger pool of folks ready to try something different - we'll be ready with our examples, eh?

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I wish I had skills but anyway... Being ready to take advantage of the shift, I concur.

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Jun 13Liked by Dollyboy

Knowing how to live without being dependant on a whole pile of stuff - that's a rare skill these days.

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I'd especially like to see Andrews face justice for running over that young cyclist 10 years ago. Also all the police etc. that helped with the cover-up !

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He's a swell guy eh.

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I wonder what really happened when he "fell" down that flight of stairs ?

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Very high energy article!

Relatedly, you would not believe the trolls who have come out of the woodwork after I published the Andrew Robertson article. Literal paid sleeper agents were activated.

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Personal attacks? Threats? I fear for the trolls... Go easy on them Excessdeathsau. They don't know who they're messing with.

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I have been receiving death threats for years. I just ignore them, poor demons.

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Jun 13Liked by Dollyboy

Today I had to cancel a biz appointment because the chap just face collapsed, with Bells Palsy and he's just back from hospital. So I went to my cafe, where the chef just found out he's got cancer in bowel & liver, with a shadow on his lungs 🫁. My dad had 3 death jabs THEN he got Covid. He overheard his doc & ward nurse "...send him home, he's old" ... to a 50 year Premium Health Cover user. So it was next viz to his doc that he was told he had pancreatic cancer & 7 weeks left. He died on time, first time for everything. My best mate called me a tin foil hat nut job. His 17 year old had a massive heart attack saved in ICU but can't ever play sport. That son later found his dad, dead on the shower floor, 🚿 still running, 5 hours after.

Fuk all to see here, yer fukn honour, move the fuck along. I want executions.

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Wow. That's some fierce evidence. It's definitely happening. Heads on pikes.

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I will imbibe a generous glass of Limeburners tonight in solidarity to you and the other "pure bloods" out there.

As for the forced jabbed, I do feel sorry for them, they genuinely believed they had to follow the mandates, some were held to ransom like refusing medical treatments until jabbed.

For the jabbed volunteers and pro jabbers, I have nothing good to say.

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That's some good whisky there friend. Slàinte Mhath!

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