
This is over 10 years old. Taken after Clarkson train station was completed and the new infill subdivision of residential lots began development.

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Delightful. The urban sprawl is gross. It continues. In fact where I am at the moment, directly across the road a large development is underway. I want to know why the humans think that they can come in and bulldoze all the creatures homes - the magpies, the lizards, the bandicoots etc … what right do they have? Progress. I’ve expressed all this before to the humans and one’s response was “yeah, but you can never go wrong buying land.” They don’t even hear you let alone give a shit.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Dollyboy

Dollyboy, I listened a couple of times to your song “One Dies Alone”-I really like it! I noticed someone says it has an 80’s feel-I agree with that-it reminds me of “The Cure”. Nice.

I listened to more of your music on “Soundcloud”-I really do like your music, these days I don’t like much music on the radio, but I also don’t get good reception where we are! But if I like a song, it usually hits me on first listen-which most of your songs do to me. Sometimes songs creep up on me, but a first hit on me is great!

You really are talented!

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That's very kind of you to say. Im blushing. 😊 You can find my music on Spotify as well. It's arranged into albums there, a bit more organised. Cheers DB https://open.spotify.com/artist/1QNPOZEaOVdWVNGhOzk8mk?si=ltuu63cpTeGqbDT7fZUNjA

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Ahh, thanks so much for that info Dollyboy! Don’t blush, I really do think you are that good! Humble is good too! You rock, Dollyboy!

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Sep 17Liked by Dollyboy

Dollyboy, this is a seriously good piece, thanks!

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It's all going to the Globalist plan

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I can’t say for sure but I suspect so. Why is everything getting progressively more shit? I’m not an optimist to the point where I expect things to always get better but the fact that there is little to no effort, and one could probably make a case for active destruction, in making things better one can really only conclude that it’s being done on purpose. Never attribute malice to something that can be accomplished through sheer incompetence… as the saying goes but we’re beyond that now aren’t we? It’s not incompetence when they enact policies that harm. I mean who in their right mind would look at some of these policies - the online harms bill, the fucking nuclear submarines and go “Yeah that’s what we need to make things better.”

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Dollyboy - they've been boiling the frog slowly since WW2 but now taken the gloves off for all to see (that bother to look) Here in Oz, our happy little backwater is now at the coalface of this Globalist hell unfortunately. I think you were able to intrinsically reject the BS early in your life - good on you for that!

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Sep 17Liked by Dollyboy

Encapsulated how we all feel. But you forgot to add the incoming bio-metrics to get on the internet….to keep the kids safe of course

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I have to say i had a laugh or two myself. As you can see from my avatar .... I am laughing till i die . Todai and every dai . Ahhhh, you Aussies . How the hell did such a small population in such a big and wonderful land mass ........ ever allow THEM to take over ?

Just get your 27 million Crocodile Dungees and Damegees and LGQdees off the barstools and Ipads, and bring your laser guided frisbees out on the streets and take your land back !

Or.... if you don't think thats gonna happen, do what this Yankee did and get the hell out of Dodge and find somewhere to eat coconuts . ( i told everyone long ago , live in a hut, and save your money.) Granted, THEY even know how to make the money almost worthless ( for all but the ruling class and their pawns) .

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The Social Contract. It's Broke... And, if I may add, I didn't sign it anyway! Ha! Yeah, the level of insanity in the world is beyond anything I ever thought I would see in my lifetime. The people have chosen slavery over liberty and then cry out for someone to save them from the slavery they have begged for. Until the people realize that the only savior is the one staring back at them in the mirror, we will have more and more dystopia. The monsters in the world have done a brilliant job at getting the people to focus on all of the huge issues all over the word which none of us can do anything about while ignoring all of the amazing ways we have in our own families, peer groups and neighborhoods to live a decent life while ignoring all of the "big stuff" if that makes sense. I rail about it constantly and it falls on deaf ears. We might not be able to change "the" world, but we damn sure can change "our" world! People just don't get it. Except a few like us, of course. :)

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Some of us don’t even have family or friends to talk to! Most of my talking is in shops, where I don’t know the people, but they are acquaintances.

Family and friends couldn’t handle the truth about “Covid” and the rest of our world. So they “did the Titanic”.

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you're right Rob D ....... other people just don't get it . and so............... ??

lost cause ?? deaf ears , deaf brains, and the monsters are laughing at the cocktail parties

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Based rant LMAO.

Actually laughed out loud at this: "Perth’s best nuclear target - HMAS Stirling."

Yes, Perth has the ugliest architecture and public art in the world. It makes me physically ill to look at. We have incredible paintings at the museum you have to beg to see because displaying them is "offensive." They are paintings of Australian small-claims miners and settlers farming.

Make no mistake, this is deliberate. Overcome demoralisation by filling your eyes and ears with beautiful things. This is why I feature beautiful art on my Substack and listen to classical music all day - it keeps the globohomo away.

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Are you going to do another substack article soon Excess? I hope so! Pretty please!!

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Oh that's so nice. Yes, I am working on an article right now - something I have been wanting to write for years.

I have had to cut back because I cannot afford to write as much anymore sadly. I wish I could do more!

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I’m looking forward to your article!

People everywhere can’t afford to do the things they like doing. I understand! I can’t even afford to pay $10 per visit to the physio, to maintain exercises I need to do for my crook back-so I’m doing the best I can at home.

You know what’s happening to this country, and others around the world. Situation “grim” at best.

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Yep, I understand this all too well.

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I knew you would Excess ! 🙂

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Dollyboy

Nice to see you Excess-I was going to check in to see if you’re ok!

Dollyboy’s little essay made me laugh also! I think you know I’m on the other side of Aus, but luckily, for now at least, I live bush! I only have to go to “town” once a week or so. But it’s the “big smoke”(regional city) for the doc’s, and it reminds me of where I grew up (Melbourne 🤮) more and more every time I go there. Mad aggressive drivers mostly!

The architecture surrounding me is paddocks, sheep and trees mostly.

Keep your chins up Aussies-we’ve had a pretty good life, it’s the kids I worry about. If there’s a world for them to worry about.

Dollyboy, I understand about the price of groceries, and that you can’t afford to rent a place-it’s sick, and it’s being made that way, as Stefatanus says. Where do you go if you haven’t got a house to sit?

At least it’s warm in Perth, it’s freezing where I am-we don’t have summer anymore, only 1 or2 days of it! And yes, I know about the “weather modification process”. I tried really hard to raise awareness of this-some people know, but some have “trolled” me!

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Good morning! Well generally I go bush and yes the weather is a little better over here. My GF and I have been trying to find a rental but it’s a fool’s errand I fear. We both have more or less opted out of society and look terrible on paper - if only they knew us. You couldn’t hope for better tenants. Alas … we shall keep trying. At least you had a chuckle …

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Sep 18Liked by Dollyboy

I did have a good chuckle! Thanks again. I still don’t know how you manage if you’ve opted out. I think myself and my spouse and adult son are going to have to opt out at some stage. I refuse to sign up to what “they” want-especially the “vaxes”. It will be difficult in cold weather though-I’ve been hitting the op shops.

As Excess here has said, or implied, not sure, don’t want to put words in their mouth-we will NOT COMPLY !!!

As the WEF says-you will own nothing and be happy-well, I guess they’re going to take away everything we’ve worked for or not worked for-and send us packing. I would like to come to W.A. for the weather, not the police state-but, I’m in Vic-it will be the same everywhere soon.

I remember what Excess said-They can vaccinate my corpse, and I agree thoroughly! I just hope I can hold true to my word. I respect and admire Excess a lot, and am not happy if they don’t surface after a certain period of time-he/she/they keep me inspired. And I really was going to do a “digital” welfare check by the end of this week. My goodness that sounds awful doesn’t it ! I’ll say internet check next time. (I know I can edit, but I’ll leave it this time as it sounds awful/funny!) No offence Excess! You’ve really got it in for “our” armed services, haven’t you! We’ve got a raaf base about 65 km from us, and they’re forever buzzing around in their flying machines. Most annoying. As they wish to be. I want to tell them we still hear, and sometimes see the early chemtrail plane, and your drones on weekends are quite pathetic. We know what real eagles do!

I’ll leave it there Dollyboy, I’ll be looking your way for tips on how to survive outside of society!

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